Welcome Friends!
Taylor P.
Birthdate - April 22, 1996

Main Diagnosis -  Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

THEME: Dance & Music - Pink, Purple, Orange


Taylor Shayne was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia on 10/7/2010. Beginning in mid to late September of 2010, she began feeling more tired than usual. I assumed it was because she was a normal, busy, active teenager. She was treated in our local clinic on Friday October 2, 2010 for an ear infection and a sinus infection as well as asthma (Taylor has had asthma since she was a young child, but has a very mild form and never really had trouble with it). She spent that weekend resting. Because she is in marching band and was a little short of breath, she did not participate in band practice Monday or Tuesday. On Wednesday, she thought she felt good enough to practice with the band. She called me from school in tears because she couldn’t catch her breath and couldn’t march even a few blocks with the band. I got her in to see my dr. later that afternoon. Due to the fact that Taylor was very pale, fatigued and short of breath the dr ordered lab work. I got a call from the nurse on the way home that Taylor’s hemoglobin had come back very low and that she needed a transfusion. It was set up for the next morning at the hospital in St. Joe. The next morning, the hospital repeated the labs on Taylor and found the alarming results. I spoke with the dr-on-call who gave me the lab results but not a diagnosis. Because I am a nurse, I knew in my head what these results meant but my heart wouldn’t let me acknowledge it. We loaded Taylor in the car and took her to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, MO. It was here that we were all told what the dr’s suspected—ALL. We would have to wait until the next day to find out that the definite diagnosis was ALL.

She has had many complications from her chemo. On November 7, 2010 she suffered a stroke, seizures and a bleed in her brain. She spent 3 days in the PICU and another 5 days in the hospital. Luckily, she has had very few residual effects from the stroke. She has had many months of nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, weight loss, muscle pain and weakness. She hasn't been to school since her diagnosis due to a low immune system caused by chemo, the stroke and several hospitalizations caused by fever. She has spent hours and hours at home doing homework on her own trying to keep up with her class. She has lost all of her beautiful hair. She has lost touch with friends. She missed her freshman year basketball homecoming game and dance as well as countless sleepovers, movies, shopping trips, school functions and outings. She faces fear, pain, doubt
and an uncertain future daily. 

Through all of this, Taylor has a smile on her face all the time! She is such an amazing kid, I don't think many adults could go through what she has gone through and still manage to smile that beautiful smile!

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Matching Pillow Case
The quilt is absolutely beautiful and Taylor will cherish it forever!